English under the pictures

Mandag d. 14. marts var der workshop om jordstationer på ITU i København. Det var en spændende dag, med deltagere fra ITU, AU og SDU. Udover alt det faglige fik de studerende mulighed for endelig at mødes på tværs af universiteterne. Dette har været tiltrængt, da på trods af at programmet har været i gang i over et år, så har COVID-19 sat en stopper for meget fysik fremmøde.
Workshoppen gav mulighed for at arbejde på tværs af de forskellige universiteter og institutter, hvilket de studerende udnyttes til fulde. Hos alle de forskellige sessions i workshoppen stod de studerende sammen for at løse de udfordringer der opstod i løbet af dagen.
De forskellige sessions havde til formål at få de studerende til bedre at forstå hvordan man generelt kommunikerer med en satellit, hvordan antennerne bygges, og hvilket software der skal til selve kommunikationen. Der var mange praktiske elementer, da de studerende fik lov til selv at bygge en S-båndsparabol. Derudover var der noget lidt mere ‘kodetungt’, da de arbejdede både med pointing af en antenne og med at hente et signal ned, og afkode dette.
Alt i alt var det en super spændende og produktiv workshop.

Monday the 14th of March students from the DISCO team had a workshop on the ITU, with the theme of groundstations. It was a really exiting day with participants from ITU, AU and SDU! Other than the scientific cases that was presented, was it also an opportunity for the students to chat and meet one another across universities. This was much-needed as even though the program has been running for over a year, the meeting in person has been limited by Covid-19.
During the workshop the opportunity to work together across universities and instituts arose, this was something the students enjoyed! The different sessions of the workshop called for cooperation, so the studentes solved the different assignment and problems together.
The different sessions had the goal for the students to better understand how to communicate with the satellites, how an antenna is build and what software is used for the communication. There were practical elements, such as building a S-band parabola antenna, but also more computational task, both when working with the pointing of the antenna and how to download a signal and decode the signal.
All in all it was a great day that the students and lecturers will look back at fondly.